The Process of Making Windows with Backlit Space

A home that has windows facing the direction of the sun is bound to get direct sunlight. At specific times of the day, sunlight streams in through the windows, providing natural light to the home. While this natural light may be nice at times, it can also be a nuisance if the glare happens to be directed on to a person’s face. To avoid this, many people simply install curtains or window blind to keep the light out. Installing blinds and curtains means that there is more maintenance required. The other option is to install stained glass windows.

These windows are just like ordinary windows without the excess glare from the sunlight. Additionally, colourful designs on the windows can add a lively feel to any room. Since the sunlight is directed right at the windows, it acts as a backlight, allowing just the right amount of light into the room. When making windows with painted glass, it is important to use light colours so that all the natural light is not blocked out.

While the windows can be installed in any preferred room, the best places to have coloured windows is in the kitchen or a living room. Since these rooms always have a lot of activity in them, the natural light will be ideal, instead of distracting. In addition, the windows could be designed to suit the theme of the kitchen with cutlery and food designs, or designed with depictions of various activities to suit the theme of a living room.

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    Perth Stained Glass Studio

    Bree Mainstone Harper
    0419 910 314

    Tracey Boshart
    0414 766 804

    **Best to call first as we are sometimes out on site.
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