DIY versus Commercial: Why Commercial is More Elegant?

You have planned to get down to working on your home. Whether this is a new home that needs some restoration or your old home that requires some structural changes, you would definitely want to consider using leadlight windows. Regardless of whether you are looking for a contemporary look for your home, or you are a fan of antiques and would like to preserve that look in your home, leadlight windows and door frames can make a huge difference to the interior of your home. If you are looking for a way to save costs, then you are probably considering the option of taking up the fixing of leadlight windows as a DIY project. This is not always a good idea.

In order to understand the difference in the quality between DIY leadlight versus commercial ones, you need to understand the process of leadlight manufacturing. Special techniques are used when manufacturing leadlight commercially. These techniques ensure that care and careful consideration is given to every minor detail of the designs. Special tools and equipment are also used, which is not the case when it comes to DIY. If you are not an expert or an artist who has experience in this field, you would not be able to bring out the best colours and combine different textures and types of glass with the perfect finishing touch.

Moreover, there are several things that could go wrong during the process, resulting in you having simply wasted your time to no avail.

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    Perth Stained Glass Studio

    Bree Mainstone Harper
    0419 910 314

    Tracey Boshart
    0414 766 804

    **Best to call first as we are sometimes out on site.
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