Let Go the Old Way, Embrace the New!

So we have all heard about or seen how stained glass has become highly popular over the years. It has been used in door panels and for windows, not just in churches and hotels but even in homes! You have also probably admired the difference stained glass brings to the ambience of any room regardless of the location, with its bright colours and lovely patterns. But, if you do not wish to have stained glass windows installed at home, or simply wish to look for something different or innovative, then you would love to check out the various new objects that are being made today out of stained glass!

There are several different objects that are being made today by using stained glass. These objects include lamps, jewellery boxes, all kinds of tableware and even different types of accessories that are intricately designed. One or two of these items will no doubt give your home that contemporary look that you wish to bring about. They may however cost you slightly more than the conventional windows as the items require much more work.

When searching for ideas, if you wish to have your stained glass objects made to order, you may want to consider the works of some famous contemporary artists and designers of such stained glass objects for some inspiration. You can also make such objects to match which your stained glass windows or panels to give the room a coordinated look.

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  • Contacts

    Perth Stained Glass Studio

    Bree Mainstone Harper
    0419 910 314

    Tracey Boshart
    0414 766 804

    **Best to call first as we are sometimes out on site.
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